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Best Budget Eurorack VCA Module
Voltage controlled amplifiers, or VCA's as us modular synth nerds call them, are an incredibly important part of any Eurorack setup. There is even a common saying that 'you can never have too many ...

Top 5 Favorite Hardware Synthesizers (2021)
In this article i'm going to talk about my top 5 favorite hardware synthesizers as of 2021. This is only including synthesizers I actually own and have paid for myself, no discounts or freebies we...

Why I Returned The Digitakt & Digitone
A couple months ago I purchased an Elektron Octatrack MkII, I found it quite enjoyable to use and its a product that basically nothing else competes with 100%. Because of this I decided to pick up ...

NAMM 2020: Qu-Bit Announces Surface, Data Bender, Aurora and Cascade Eurorack Modules
Qu-Bit has announced 4 very exciting Eurorack modules during NAMM 2020. There is Surface, Data Bender, Aurora, and Cascade. I got a pretty great demo at NAMM by a dude named Robot, and I can't wait...

2hp Loop, Comp, Pitch Eurorack Modules - NAMM 2020
In addition to the exciting NAMM 2020 news of 2hp's Lunchbox Eurorack case, they also announced 3 new Eurorack modules for 2020. A class looper module called Loop, a compressor with side-chain func...

2hp Lunchbox Portable 42HP Eurorack Case - NAMM 2020
2hp have announced a portable 42HP Eurorack case called Lunchbox, which will be available standalone, with power, or stuffed with modules. Pricing hasn't been placed on their website, but rumor has...